Cardboard Yard is the media outlet for Jordan, Noah, and Christian's life in Denton, TX

PEAK STREET Episode 01- "Cantaloupe"

Moses is awakened to the sound of Andy obsessing over his work.
Peak Street is a webseries about two brothers who work from home and never leave the house.

Created by Noah & Jordan Eusebio
Moses Cruz voiced by Noah
Andy Cruz voiced by Jordan
SQUEEPS voiced by Catapon (Fatapon)
Written, Directed, Edited, Sound Design by Jordan
Art Direction, Character Design, End Credits Song by Christian Eusebio
Produced by Noah, Jordan, & Christian

DREAM SLOG - "Caramel Matt's Collection Tour"

Noah has vivid dreams. He described this one to Chan who visualized it.
Dream Slog is an animated collection of our dreams.

Series Created by Noah
Co-Directed by Noah & Christian
Written and Narrated by Noah
Animation by Christian
Sound Design by Jordan
"9th Symphony, Finale" by Beethoven

CHAN DRAWS DOTA Episode 16 - Centaur Warrunner

Chan Draws Dota is a webseries where Noah swills Irish whisky and drinks cheap beer while describing DOTA characters to Chan who has never played the game.
Chan draws the characters based off of Noah's description. Jordan attempts to argue hot pockets over white castle.

Watch all of the episodes here!

Series Created by Noah
Directed and Edited by Jordan
Written and Narrated by Noah
Art and Design by Christian
"Blakey's Burnout" by John Deley
"Floaters" by Jimmy Fontanez


Noah grows a little.
Noah Recites Haikus is a webseries where Noah describes life using poetry

Watch all of the episodes here!

Series Created by Noah
Written by Noah
Sound and Editing by Jordan
Footage courtesy of